Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Vegetable Oils

As the fear of saturated fat took hold of the world, consumption of all kinds of unhealthy oils increased.

Prime examples are industrial seed- and vegetable oils like soybean, corn and cottonseed oil.

These oils are extracted from seeds using very harsh processing methods and include high heat, bleaching and the toxic solvent hexane.

These oils contain very large amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids, way more than humans ever consumed throughout evolution. However, if we eat too much O6FA is the case in Western population diet, this could lead to inflammation and many chronic diseases

We only need small amounts of these fatty acids in the diet, such as the amounts found in meat and nuts.

These oils get incorporated into our body fat stores and cellular membranes, where they are highly sensitive to oxidation and damage.

To top it all off, the industrial vegetable oils that you find in the supermarket contain 0.56-4.2% of their fatty acid as trans fats, which are highly toxic

(This does not apply to olive oil, which is good for you!)

Bottom Line: Vegetable oils are unhealthy and lead to inflammation and may lead to other chronic diseases. They are potentially a key players in the epidemic of Western diseases.

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