Saturday, October 12, 2013

Get rid of belly fat

  • Drink chilled water at least 12 oz or more if you can stomach it first thing when you get up.
  • Eat breakfast with one hour of waking up.
  • Don't skip meals
  • Eat multiple small meals
  • Say NO to sugar, sugar is not your friend
  • If you can't not eat carbs switch to whole grain everything
  • Can't exercise start walking even if it's 5 mins a day and increase it a min a week
  • Eat good fats like avocado
  • find ways to decompress, relieve stress
  • cut down on caffiene and caffinated beverages especially after 4 pm to provide better sleep
  • do this with a partner and keep each other accountable, harder to cheat
  • Get a pedometer know your BMR, count your calories (if you are trying to lose weight
  • Get a calorie app for your phone
  • measure your inches and track your progress
**** you WILL get bored, you WILL get flustered, you WILL want to resort to old habits (been there done that), it's just a part of CHANGE. You don't have to eat tasteless food, infact over the past couple of years I have come up with meals that my kids even love. Here are some cookbooks you can look at.

So remember, it's okay if you get off this path (as long as you don't stay off too long) because you can always get back on the right road; another thing to remember is this isn't a sprint it's a marathon. It's like one of my friends tells me "you are traveling from NYC to Miami and your GPS sends you off on some dirt road, you're not gonna go back to NY and start over, meaning you won't lose all the progress you've made. 

It's a day at a time process... so remember to be GENTLE with yourself. 

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