Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Fat Heart Disease Myth

In 1971, Richard Nixon was facing re-election. The Vietnam war was threatening his popularity at home, but just as big an issue with voters was the soaring cost of food. If Nixon was to survive, he needed food prices to go down, and that required getting a very powerful lobby on board – the farmers. Nixon appointed Earl Butz, an academic from the farming heartland of Indiana, to broker a compromise. Butz, an agriculture expert, had a radical plan that would transform the food we eat, and in doing so, the shape (literally) of the human race. This launched all sorts of corn based (HFCS), wheat based products anything you could by in a box or a bag. A host of food products (sugary treats) were marketed to the future generations, the chart shows the clear relationship between farm products invasion on obesity.

Take a look at this very informative  funny video a presentation by comedian Tom Naughton about the difference between good and bad science. A must-watch for anyone interested in nutrition.

Here are some reasons not to fear saturated fats.

  • Saturated fats are source of Cholesterol
         Cholesterol is a molecule that is absolutely vital to life. it's a component of everything from              cell membranes and hormones like cortisol, testosterone and estradiol.

  • Without cholesterol, we would die… 
  • Saturated Fats Raise HDL Cholesterol

  • Diets High in Saturated Fat Are Good For Weight Loss:  
    We often hear that “high fat diets” make you fat. It’s only half-true, though. These diets are fattening… but it’s because they usually contain sugar and refined carbs as well, NOT just a lot fat.

    Diets that are high in fat but also low in carbs actually have the opposite effect. Low- carbohydrate diets (AJN), which are usually high in saturated fat, actually make you lose MORE weight than diets that are low in fat. They also improve ALL biomarkers of health much more than low- fat diets. Click here for more info.

  • Foods With Saturated Fats Are Nutritious for more info see links: Prime examples are meats, eggs, organs and high-fat dairy products. The key here is to eat animals that ate foods that were natural to them, such as grass-fed cows.Grass-fed beef, pastured eggs and dairy from grass-fed cows are much more nutritious than their “conventionally” raised counterparts. They are especially rich in fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, E and K: NIH , Nutrition Journal, NIH-2
  • Saturated Fat Tastes Amazing
         Fact: a life rich in saturated fat sure as heck beats a life without it.

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